The past nine days have included:
-6 days of blood work
-5 ultrasounds (the dildo camera kind)
-23 stim shots
-6 mornings of up and out the door by 6 (which means all of the days are like that now. Thanks, scumbag inner clock).
And last night was 10000 units hcg and we have triggered!
My abs and back got a bit sore the past two days, but only in that "I just had a great ab workout and it hurts when I laugh" way. I'm actually shocked that I even remember what that feels like- I've absolutely gained a few pounds and have been doing no working out other than my normal daily movement (arguably more than most people's daily activity*). Bonus: my boobs look fantastic, despite being so sore that I have to grab them when I go down the stairs.
Now my stomach felt a little crampy this morning, but here's hoping that is just the feeling of plentiful eggs growing in there!
So tomorrow is the big egg retrieval. I know some people get weird about procedures and stuff but I'm sweating the "no makeup, nail polish, or contacts" rule. I don't want my eggs to be retrieved out of a hideous creature.
*By "most people" I just mean those morbidly obese people at Walmart who use the motorized carriages.
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