This playlist is not just for those sad times that infertility brings on; they're here to comfort you and let you know it's okay to allow yourself to be sad for a bit but that it will eventually get better. Please feel free to comment any songs that you feel are missing, I'm sure I'm missing some genres. I'll try to get M-Z out soon and just so no one goes to the tub with a toaster and some razors, I've got an "Empowering List" coming asap.
**Disclaimer** Those who know me will expect these to Rick Roll you. I promise they don't. Click the link, just see how good it feels.
Anna Begins - Counting Crows
Blackbird - Beatles version (technically I linked Paul only) or Evan Rachel Wood Version or These Guys
Brick - Ben Folds Five (and yes, I know what this song is about, it's beautiful no matter what your choices are so don't get all butthurt and send me mean messages)
Bring Him Home - Les Mis, any live version, probably not the movie I love This Instrumental Too I just cry for all of them (probably not the movie, if you're a real Les Mis fan, it was torturous)
In My Life - The Beatles (so I have a slight obsession) and slight factoid, I've been to the dock, wharf thingy place in Liverpool the beginning of the video
Killing the Blues - Robert Plant and Alison Krause (Scale of 1 to Pervy Creep, how weird is it that I still find RP sexy?)
Let It Be - You know who but I also enjoy the Across the Universe edition, very melancholic
Life Is Beautiful - Vega4 (wasn't sure if I should put this here or Empowering so here it is anyway)
The Lonely - Christina Perri (this is just my latest Cut me With a Freaking Knife song, play it five times in a row and cry in my car song)